Celebrate at Timezone! - The Strand at Coolangatta
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Celebrate at Timezone!

Celebrate at Timezone!

on 30 January 2018 in General News

Timezone Coolangatta is celebrating their 2nd birthday with two amazing offers! 

Birthday month offer:

From 1st February to 24th February you will receive the following;

    1. Free Upgrade from $25 Combo to $30 Super Combo
    2. Free Upgrade from $30 Super Combo to $35 Bowling Combo
    3. Load $30 or More and receive $5 additional Bonus

On Valentine's Day – 14th February, you can purchase a Valentine's Couples Package for you and your sweetheart. For $60 you will receive:

    1. 2 hours of games at Timezone*
    2. 2 Movie tickets to BCC Coolangatta
    3. 1 Chocolate Rose
    4. 1 photo Shoot  “ Snap Shot photo machine”

See instore or www.timezonecoolangatta.com.au for more info.