Smarter Communities - The Strand at Coolangatta
General hours today
9am - 5:30pm
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Smarter Communities

Contact details and opening hours
Contact Smarter Communities
Opening hours
72-80 Marine Parade The Strand Coolangatta

Unmatched Experience


Ernst is a confident, well-established body corporate management company specialising in high-rise residential buildings, mixed-use developments, hotels and resorts, and commercial buildings.

With two local teams conveniently located in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, Ernst has experienced Community Managers with diverse skillsets eager to work with Committees and alongside Bodies Corporate.

With offices located in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, Ernst manages a varied portfolio of prestigious high-rise residential and commercial buildings, hotels and resorts and excels with managing smaller residential properties, townhouses, and villa complexes.

The Ernst team are highly experienced, extremely personable and strive towards continuously improving the customer experience.